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来源:云南旅游纯玩团   发布时间:2009-03-29 21:41:14   点击次数:1728  


      Dali City, situated in the west of Yunnan Province, has an area of 28,500 square kilometers with a population of 3 million. The Erhai Lake in Dali City is one of the country's seven freshwater Lake. There are big embankments along the banks of the lake.

      It belongs to the subtropical monsoon climatic zone with conspicuous dimensional climatic character, the annual average temperature of which is 15.1°C and the yearly precipitation of 1100 mm. It has the rich resource such as platinum and marble and also gold, lead, brown coal (lignite), copper and rock salt (halite), etc. It is also rich in such resources as hydraulic power, forestry and mountainous grassland.

      Dali City is a famous historic cultural city of China, once the capital city of Nanzhao regime and Dali Regime in the ancient China, a city of picturesque scenery. With the verdant greenery Erhai Lake as its center, the scenic spot and place of historic site of Dali constitute one of the major places of historic interest and scenic beauty of China. Besides, there are also such scenic spots and historic sites as the three Dali Pagodas, Butterfly spring and others. 

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